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This summer the Lord has called me to partner with Greater Europe Mission and their Ten2 project. I will be spending ten weeks in Europe doing a missions internship while serving the people of the Czech Republic and sharing the Gospel with them. You can find a more in depth explanation below, along with what led me to where I am today. 

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My Story

I am currently in my Junior year at Cedarville University and am working on completing my bachelors degree in Biblical Studies with a Missions focus and a minor in Philosophy and Theology. I have felt a pull in recent years to devote my life to ministry, and have begun to pursue this dream. A requirement of my degree is to complete a missions internship in order to acquire valuable experience in discipleship and evangelism in a different culture.  I have been accepted to and am partnering with Greater Europe Mission (GEM) and their Ten2 Project for my internship this summer. 


The Lord began to place ministry on my heart as I began looking at possible career paths during my time as an undeclared freshman. While considering options I was reminded of my time working at Lake Ann Camp along with my short-term missions trips to Trinidad and Tobago. I reflected on the joys I had doing ministry and sharing the Gospel and was quickly reminded of the most influential verse from my time in high school, 1 Peter 3:15-16, “But in your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks for a reason for the hope that you have. But do so with gentleness and respect.” Here Peter calls us to be prepared to have Gospel conversations and to be able to do it in a loving way. I recognized my lack of ability to answer Peter’s call and felt that the Lord was bringing me into ministry. 


I first met with GEM when they visited Cedarville and held an informational meeting in the fall. I originally was unsure and simply went to get some ideas to compare to other places I had been looking. During the meeting, I became increasingly interested in the opportunities that GEM is able to provide as I look to grow in faith, leadership, and ministry. After having introductory conversations with the people at GEM and hearing of what I could be a part of, it was clear that this was the place for me to go this summer. As I have continued to prepare for the summer I have only grown in confidence that I will be able to have an impact on the people in Europe and that I will grow significantly during my internship. If you want to learn more about GEM you can visit 


This summer I will be headed to Europe on May 25 for a week of training in the French Alps. Then I will get to spend eight weeks working with a full-time missionary in Brno, Czech Republic, before a week in Greece touring the missionary journey of Paul and learning about his ministry. My summer will wrap up with a final week in Slovenia at GEM’s annual missions conference, before returning home on August 6. In the Czech Republic, I will be working with missionaries to conduct community outreach and discipleship, as well as working with several church plants in Brno and Prague. The Czech Republic is very much a largely athiest country, but from what I heard it is ripe for receiving the Gospel. Please be praying that the hearts of the Czech are softened as the summer approaches. My summer will consist of youth camps, refugee ministry, discipleship multiplication, street evangelism, expat ministry, and house church development. I cannot wait to see how the Lord uses me to impact His Kingdom as well as how my faith and abilities will grow throughout the summer. 

Obviously, I cannot do this on my own. There is a lot of need for prayer and financial support as I prepare for the summer and serve in Europe. I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with me. If you feel led or have the desire to support me through partnership please find more information on the partnership tab at the top. 

Contact Me

Please reach out with any questions or encouragements you have about my summer mission.

(937) 475-2028

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